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2 Responses to Contact Us

  1. Liz Nuñez says:

    RE: Request to use your photo for a coaching card set on emotions

    Hello Michael,

    I’m Liz, a product developer at metaFox (, and I’m reaching out to you on behalf of metaFox Coaching Tools. We create card decks for coaches, psychologists and educators who use them in their work to spark conversation and reflection. For a new coaching card deck I’m working on, I’d love to use your photo linked here:

    Your photo would appear on one of the 60 cards in the card set about emotions. As a token of our appreciation, we could feature your work via our Instagram, send you a free card deck once it’s developed, or offer a small license fee (if you’d be able to issue an invoice to our business address:

    Could we use your photo for our card deck?

    Love and light,

    P.S. Feel free to email me at or message me on WhatsApp +639561396365 if you have any questions.

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