I had a wonderful time again this year at Comic Con, despite the miserable rain. Thank you everyone for being so pleasant and agreeing to having your image taken. You may remember my weird Flash set up. It is made by my friend Scott Krebs at SaberStrip here in St Petersburg and helps produce great light and pictures. Sean Neumayer was also beside me taking photos and we are members of Tampa Modeling photography association (meetup) and also the Tampa Bay Strobist & Photoshop Collective Meetup where I am an Assistant Organizer. If you want to model for us or improve your photography or modeling skills, you can contact us through the website links provided. They are large, welcoming and friendly groups.
Here are a few of my first images
- Comic Con Tampa 2015
- A real Life Jessica Rabbit. Wow!
The link to all my current images is at www.MichaelSheehanPhotos.com/ComicCon15. I plan to update with time. Please let me know if you saw your photo, or if there is a problem with it. If you click on an image, a larger higher resolution image will open up which you can download and print for non commercial purposes only. On top of this Hi res Photo, there is a “Next” button that you can flick through all the pictures, rather than just the thumbnails. I hope you enjoy the images, (though some are a little disturbing).
Please leave a comment on the blog. If you have any questions or special requests please don’t hesitate to email me. I can provide you even higher resolution files if you want big images printed. Further enhancements to the photos can also be done on request. If your image does not appear on the site yet, please let me know.
If you use them, I would appreciate a small donation toward my time and equipment, through the Donate button on the front page of my website. Thank you especially to the young woman who unsolicited, silently gave me 2 coins and a ring after I took her picture at the Con. Your kindness is much appreciated.
Hello! My photo was taken by you on Saturday and I would love to see it 🙂 I admit I was a bit taken aback when I was first approached and I apologize for my initial reaction. I was Lapis Lazuli and painted a light blue. Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing more pictures!
yes I remember, I have it but not yet edited as you were toward the end of the day. Ill get to it shortly
Thank you very much. You take great photos!
Hi! These photos are all great. I was wondering when you were going to have the rest up? Again, excellent stuff, and I would love to see more from Comic Con if you have them!
All up now. Enjoy!