I had the great pleasure in attending a reading by Micheal O’Siadhail, one of Ireland’s greatest living poets in USF last week. A man of great linguistic virtuosity, he has spent his years living fully, listening, thinking and feeling deeply and perfecting his literary craft. He has published more than 15 books of critically acclaimed poetry along with lyrics and other literature. Just having completed a 6 week reading tour of the United States, he is returning to Ireland but travels extensively, reading, studying and examining the human condition in his personal search for meaning.
For further information on this remarkable man, his poetry and travels check his website http://osiadhail.com/ or pick up a copy of his remarkable Collected works at http://goo.gl/6FXJy9
It was a really memorable evening. He agreed to pose for me and I was honored to have the opportunity to make these portraits.
D600, ISO 200, 70mm 1/200 at f4. Main gridded softbox left, gridded hairlight right rear.